Spring 2022 10 week Introductory Gamelan Class

February 6, 2022 @ 5:00PM — April 17, 2022 @ 7:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

10 week sliding scale music class for participants of all musical skill levels and backgrounds

Spring 2022 10 week Introductory Gamelan Class image

There are currently no tickets available for this event, but you can still make a donation.


We would like to invite you to join our Winter/Spring 10 week introductory educational gamelan music class. We will be discussing and practicing basic gamelan percussion music skills and methods in an inclusive fun environment! This is a class appropriate for beginner as well as advanced musicians who are interested in learning about Indonesian gamelan music and culture. By the end of the 10 week class class participants will be able to play 2-3 gamelan music instruments on one exciting music composition. No prior musical training or gamelan experience required

Class Topics will include but are not limited to:

  1. Basic introduction to gamelan instruments, form and function.
  2. Cultural contexts of gamelan music genres and related art forms like wayang and dance.
  3. How to hold mallets properly and play several gamelan instruments.
  4. How to listen to gamelan music as a player and listener.
  5. Structure of a gamelan music piece.
  6. How do devise elaborating parts on Peking and Bonang instruments.

Classes are Every Sunday starting February 6th, from 5-7pm

Only Fully Vaccinated Individuals may join class at this time. All participants must wear n95 mask in the facility. (provided)

For participants age 13 and higher

Sliding scale class fee for ten sessions.

When choosing your sliding scale rate, please keep in mind that Nusantara Arts depends on the generosity of its community to support high caliber artists and programming.

Former Student Feedback:

"I enjoyed the community atmosphere and how willing everyone was to teach and help and enjoy"

"I appreciated Matt's patience and sense of humor; he helped us learn and have fun at the same time!"

"Matt is an amazing teacher! Very humble in his depth and breadth of knowledge and skill, he's able to break the material down into easily digestible pieces and leave out the big picture while the students digest the small things, to later integrate into a big picture that makes sense."