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Nusantara Arts Virtual Performance

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Nusantara Arts Virtual Concert! Featuring a compilation of pieces performed in December 2021 at our Bronze gamelan Selamatan Performance, and and our April 2022 Klenengan performance. Exceptionally unique in this concert is the inclusion of many new pieces, commissioned by Nusantara Arts and played in the US for the first time. Due to the 360 video the Concert is best viewed at the highest quality /resolution

Video is Virtual and features a 3D 360 degree viewing experience. Scroll around with your cursors or fingers to see the entire view!

Song list:

ladrang Diradameta sléndro nem

gendhing Mega Mendung Jati Karang kethuk 2 kerep minggah ladrang pélog nem (composed by Pardiman Joyonegoro – Yogyakarta 2021)

ladrang Wilujeng sléndro manyura (Nusanta Arts Fall 2021 Beginner Students playing alongside our guest artists)

ketawang gendhing Wirasa kethuk 2 kerep minggah ladrang Kumaleang sléndro sanga (composed by Rt Untung Wiarso Warso Diprojo S. SN –Surakarta 2021)

gendhing Sinugråhå kethuk 2 kerep minggah ladrang Sukå Sokur, pélog nem (composed by I.M. Harjito – Middletown, Connecticut 2021)

ladrang Peksi Kuwung sléndro nem

gendhing bonang Pepak kethuk 4 kerep minggah 8 pélog nem (composed by M. Ng. Sasapangrawit (Bambang Sosodoro Rawan Jayantoro) –Surakarta 2022)

lancaran penutup Nusantara Arts pélog barang (composed by Jungkung Darmoyo – Klaten 2021)


Padriman Joyonegro was born in Bantul in 1968, and graduated from the state arts university Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) in 1995. As of 2022, Pardiman is active carrying out various music activities in Yogyakarta, such as arranging music for dance performances, kethoprak, wayang, and theater. He gives creative music workshops in several institutions, including his own Omah Cangkem Mataraman (OCM) Studio. He is known for his humor, his positivity, and his love for Indonesia.

Untung Wiarso Warso Diprojo studied karawitan (Javanese musical culture) at the renowned SMKI Solo performing arts high school and in his home village of Jagalan, a village famous for producing fine gamelan musicians. He later studied wayang kulit shadow puppetry at the Mangkunegaran Palace Art Academy. He gained considerable experience at the Kraton Solo palace, performing in villages around Solo, as well as teaching karawitan at the Chakra Home Stay and playing with the Condhong Rumaos gamelan group. His musical mentor is Bapak Suyadi Tejo Pangrawit, and he gains inspiration from a desire to preserve Javanese musical traditions.

I.M. Harjito is one of the finest living Javanese musicians and a prolific composor of traditional and experimental gamelan pieces. A graduate of Indonesia’s state conservatory for the traditional performing arts (ISI), he worked closely with one of the major figures of 20th-century Javanese music, Martopangrawit. He has directed gamelan ensembles in Indonesia and the U.S. He is currently on faculty at Wesleyan University.

Bambang Sosodoro Rawan Jayantoro hails from Klaten, Central Java, an area near Solo with many villages and a rich cultural tradition. He is a professor of karawitan at the Institute of Art Indonesia (ISI) Surakarta but also spends much of his time performing with the elite cultural institutions in Solo. He performs regularly as a court musician and composer at the Kraton Kasunanan and Pura Mangkunegaran palaces.

Ki Jungkung Darmoyo is a well-known and respected dhalang (shadow-puppet master) and composer from Klaten, Central Java. His compositions often contain striking original vocal melodies and are often performed during shadow-puppet performances.


Nusantara Arts performing ensemble

& Guest Artists
I.M. Harjito
Wakidi Dwidjomartono
Phil Acimovic
Kitsie Emerson
Chris Miller
Anne Stebinger

To watch directly on YouTube for a better experience follow this link